Unknown Person Paid $113,497 commission for Ethereum Transfer

The owner of Ethereum has paid over a hundred thousand dollars for a single transaction.

Unknown Person Paid $113,497 commission for Ethereum Transfer

On February 13, 2024, an unknown Ethereum owner sent 10 ETH to another address. The commission for this transaction was 42.88 ETH, which at that time was estimated at $113,497. This is reported by Whale Alert.

Note that at the time of writing, assets worth about $100,000 are stored on the wallet from which the funds were sent, namely: 12.3 ETH, 2 PANDORA and several more tokens with a total value of less than $ 10,000.

It should be noted that previously users paid large amounts for the transfer of bitcoins. In September 2023, an unknown person paid 19.8 BTC (about $510,000 at that time) for the transfer of 0.074 BTC.

Source: https://incrypted.com/neizvestnyj-zaplatil-113-497-komissii-za-perevod-ethereum/

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