The US authorities confiscated the stolen $1.4 million in cryptocurrency

The US authorities are successfully catching scammers in the cryptocurrency and financial sectors: blockchain technology helps them track illegal movements of funds.

The US authorities confiscated the stolen $1.4 million in cryptocurrency

With the help of malicious code, cybercriminals displayed a pop-up window on the victim's computer screen, which reported that the device was allegedly hacked. In order to "protect" the funds, the victims, on the advice of the attackers, transferred their savings into cryptocurrency. It was at this stage that hackers intercepted the money.

It was possible to withdraw the stolen funds thanks to the joint work of several departments at once. The Department of Computer Crimes and Intellectual Property of the Ministry of Justice and the relatively recently formed National Cryptocurrency Control Group played a decisive role in this case.

Now the US government will finally be able to return all funds to the victims.

"This case is one of the first when the United States returned USDT from a non—custodial virtual asset wallet," the U.S. Department of Justice said.

The United States is actively fighting against crypto crimes. For example, in November 2023, the state authorities confiscated $54 million in crypto from drug dealers. Earlier that summer, America seized $58 million from a crypto-friendly bank, citing signs of fraud.

The leadership of the States is really actively countering crypto fraud, so it has already accumulated a very decent amount on confiscations — at least $ 12.4 billion in bitcoin. The growth rates of these savings are also attracting attention here: Back in October 2023, the U.S. government only had about $5 billion, according to a WSJ investigation. That is, in about 5 months, the volume of confiscated bitcoins under American control has more than doubled.


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