The token meme dedicated to Bankman-Fried has risen in price hundreds of times

Dedicated to the former head of the FTX exchange Sam Bankman-Fried, the Sam Baseman Fraud (SBF) token meme has risen in price hundreds of times in less than a day.

The token meme dedicated to Bankman-Fried has risen in price hundreds of times

On March 28, a few hours before the verdict was announced to Bankman-Fried, an anonymous developer issued SBF coins, timing this event to "doomsday", noting that the happy days were over for the businessman. The programmer was not mistaken, because Sam was sentenced to 25 years in prison for fraud

The Sam Baseman Fraud rate began to be pumped immediately after the listing of these tokens on the Uniswap exchange. In just seven hours, the cryptocurrency rose in price 234 times, and the turnover of digital assets exceeded $ 4 million. However, after reaching the peak, the price of the coin collapsed by 78%, but still 7810% higher than at the start of trading.

Other meme tokens timed to coincide with the Bankman-Freed trial, called Som Bonkmon Fraud (SBF), suffered the same fate. At first, they rose in price by more than 181 times, and then fell in price by 95%. However, traders who managed to buy and sell coins in time probably made a big jackpot.


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