Representatives of the crypto community called on Vitalik Buterin to return to the X platform

The owner of the Autism Capital account drew attention to the decrease in Vitalik Buterin's activity on the social network X. In his opinion, the co-founder of Ethereum has recently preferred the Farcaster platform.

Representatives of the crypto community called on Vitalik Buterin to return to the X platform

On the social network X (formerly Twitter), representatives of the crypto community called on Ethereum co-founder Vitalik Buterin to return to actively maintaining an account on the platform.

In their opinion, the programmer has recently given preference to the social network Farcaster. Through it, he promotes his vision of the industry and the world as a whole, as well as shares current events from his life, Autism Capital (AC) notes.

According to the public, Buterin's departure from using an account on the social network X affects Ethereum. Through this platform, he can share information about the development of the blockchain with millions of users, the AC emphasizes. Instead, the programmer "locked himself in with selected colleagues on the island," citizen journalists said.

The owner of the social network X, Elon Musk, drew attention to the situation. In the comments under the mentioned publication, the billionaire asked why Buterin stopped using the platform.

In response, users made a lot of assumptions. Some said that the reason was the large number of bots on the site, which distributed malicious links under the programmer's publications. In their opinion, the "decreased dynamics" of the social network could play a role.

Some commentators also believe that Buterin purposefully switched to Farcaster to develop this project. It is worth noting that the above statements have a certain basis.

The co-founder of Ethereum has repeatedly urged users to switch to a new platform. He did this in response to people's complaints about the lack of development of the social network X. The programmer calls Farcaster an alternative to Elon Musk's platform.

In addition, in January 2024, Vitalik Buterin confirmed that it was difficult for him to publish on site X due to the large amount of "information noise". We are talking about hundreds of comments that appear under each programmer's post and do not relate to the topic of the post. Buterin noted that he manages to avoid this situation on the Farcaster.

As for Autism Capital, according to the account owners, the new social network will not be able to make a "cultural revolution" and achieve an impact comparable to X.


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