Craig Wright admits forging key documents to claim Satoshi Nakamoto identity

On the fourth day of the COPA v. Craig Wright trial, Wright conceded that many documents he presented to affirm his claim as Satoshi Nakamoto were indeed forged.

Craig Wright admits forging key documents to claim Satoshi Nakamoto identity

Highlighting this development, COPA showcased evidence of anachronisms, including fonts that did not exist when the documents were supposedly created, leading Wright to admit their inauthenticity.

However, Wright shifted blame to several third parties: mistakes by former solicitors, sabotage by ex-employees, hackers compromising his systems, and even the IT environment, which he claimed could autonomously alter documents.

This casts Wright, who professes to be an information security expert, in an unfortunate light.

Further complicating his position, Wright could not affirm the authenticity of documents related to the so-called Tulip Trust, previously submitted in the U.S. Kleiman litigation.

“I have no idea, and I cannot actually vouch for anything being completely real,” Wright said, inadvertently bolstering COPA’s argument.


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