CoinList will change the terms of the public sale of tokens

CoinList has conducted a public sale of Masa tokens. In the future, the coins of the projects will be distributed according to a new scheme, the CEO of the platform said.

CoinList will change the terms of the public sale of tokens

On March 7, 2024, Coinlist launched a public campaign to sell Masa tokens. However, there will be no more such tokensales, said Raghav Gulati, CEO of the platform.

"It was the last sale. Enjoy. New token distribution options will appear soon," he said.

The head of CoinList did not disclose details of the new terms of sale of coins. Earlier, the platform announced the public sale of tokens for projects such as Meson, Nibiru, zkLink and Subsquid. All announcements were made in 2024.

In July 2023, CoinList announced a change in the terms of participation in tokensales. Users were deprived of a grace period to replenish their wallet.


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