An underground miner from Khakassia will pay 3.8 million rubles to power engineers

Employees of the ROSENERGOATOM branch in Khakassia discovered a large overspending of electricity by an underground miner. The court agreed with the arguments of the power engineers and ordered the miner to pay 3.8 million rubles.

An underground miner from Khakassia will pay 3.8 million rubles to power engineers

A resident of the republic placed the equipment on his own land plot in the suburb of Abakan. There he installed a metal container with cryptocurrency mining equipment, which consumed more than half of the energy consumed by the entire neighborhood.

"During the next check of metering devices and recording of readings, an electricity consumption was revealed that is atypical for the communal needs of an individual. The survey of the site showed all the characteristic signs of working cryptocurrency mining equipment," the AtomEnergoSbyt branch noted.

The power engineers filed a lawsuit, which agreed with the position of AtomEnergoSbyt and stressed that the consumed electricity was not used for household needs, which means it should be charged at a different rate. The power engineers demanded an additional payment of 3.8 million rubles from the underground miner.

"Such a court decision in Khakassia is a significant precedent. There is reason to believe that the emerging judicial practice will force the "gray" miners to reconsider the organization of their business, and the energy system of the region will receive additional funds for stable operation," AtomEnergoSbyt stressed.


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