Unstoppable Domains x Bitcoin․com Halving Campaign With .Bitcoin Domains

Unstoppable Domains x Bitcoin․com Halving Campaign With .Bitcoin Domains

Pricing Structure: Domains will be tiered based on the number of characters, ranging from $20 to $1,000, ensuring accessibility and exclusivity tailored to user preferences

In celebration of the Bitcoin halving event, Unstoppable Domains partners with Bitcoin.com to offer personalized .bitcoin domain names, enhancing user experience with simplified cryptocurrency transactions within the Bitcoin.com Wallet app.

Unstoppable Domains, a leading provider of blockchain-based domain names, together with Bitcoin.com, makers of the prominent Bitcoin.com Wallet App and Bitcoin.com News site, are thrilled to announce a strategic partnership during the much-anticipated Bitcoin halving event. This unique collaboration introduces a special campaign offering .bitcoin domains, available exclusively through this co-branded landing page.

The Halving Defined

The Bitcoin Halving is an event where the reward for mining a block on the Bitcoin network is reduced by half. The event, which was built into the Bitcoin protocol by its pseudonymous creator Satoshi Nakamoto, occurs roughly every four years, or, more precisely, every 210,000 blocks. The current halving, which is the fourth since Bitcoin launched in 2009, reduces the number of bitcoins awarded per block from 6.25 to 3.125

As the global crypto community celebrates this event, Unstoppable Domains and Bitcoin.com are making it simpler and more efficient for users to engage with cryptocurrency through easily navigable, human-readable domain names.

Blockchain-Based Domains

Unstoppable Domains is one of three major providers globally of blockchain-based domains, the other two being the Ethereum Name Service (ENS) and the Foundation for Interwallet Operability (FIO). These services, all of which are supported in the Bitcoin.com Wallet app, provide domain name extensions that are tied to a blockchain rather than to the traditional Domain Name System (DNS). This means that ownership of domain names is managed via public blockchains rather than in the private databases of traditional domain name registry services like Verisign, a distinction that reduces censorship risk.

At Unstoppable Domains, buyers can purchase a domain name like ‘brad.bitcoin which is represented as a nonfungible token (NFT) that lives on either the Ethereum or Polygon blockchains. Via Unstoppable Domains’ web portal, buyers can map their cryptocurrency addresses to their domain name/NFT, and that information is recorded on the blockchain. Anyone using the Bitcoin.com Wallet app can then send any mapped cryptocurrency to the domain name owner by typing in the domain name (eg. ‘brad.bitcoin) in the send field.

Campaign Details

Personalized Domains: Users can purchase and mint .bitcoin domain names directly from the campaign’s landing page.

Seamless Integration: The .bitcoin domains will be fully integrated into the Bitcoin.com Wallet app, allowing for simplified crypto transactions without needing complex wallet addresses.

Pricing Structure: Domains will be tiered based on the number of characters, ranging from $20 to $1,000, ensuring accessibility and exclusivity tailored to user preferences.

Tier 2: two-character domains $400 – $1,000
Tier 3: three-character domains $300 – $1,000
Tier 4: four-character domains $200 – $400
Tier 5: five-character domains $150
Tier 6: six-character domains $100
Tier 7: seven-character domains $40
Tier 8: domains with eight or more characters $20
Celebrating the Halving

“With over 48 million wallets created, we’re proud to be supported in the Bitcoin.com Wallet app. We’re also proud to be a part of the larger crypto industry, which the Bitcoin halving milestone reminds us is giving people access to a powerful new asset class,” said Sandy Carter, COO & Head of BD at Unstoppable Domains.

Corbin Fraser, CEO of Bitcoin.com, commented on the initiative, “Bitcoin is a powerful wealth preservation tool, especially with governments printing unprecedented levels of money. Unfortunately, the crypto user experience, especially for new users, has often been hindered by the complexity of wallet addresses. This halving campaign educates or reminds users of the power of Bitcoin, and gives them ’ .bitcoin addresses to make transactions as simple as sending an email.”

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