The U.S. attorney's office accused a Seattle rugby player of organizing a cryptopyramide

The prosecutor's office of the US state of Seattle has accused a semi—professional rugby player of organizing a multi-year fraudulent scheme with cryptocurrencies - Quantum Donovan.

The U.S. attorney's office accused a Seattle rugby player of organizing a cryptopyramide

Shane Donovan Moore, according to the prosecutor's office, ran a company that positioned itself as a buyer and operator of mining equipment. The project promised investors that they would receive 1% of the investment amount every day.

Law enforcement officers claim that the company did not buy computers or miners, and the athlete squandered the money on a luxurious lifestyle. The rugby player also bought $820,000 worth of crypto assets, and then, according to the prosecutor's office, transferred a total of $1 million to other people's accounts. Donovan Moore is accused of transferring money from new investors to payments to earlier investors, creating the appearance of a working scheme.

From January 2021 to October 2022, the project managed to deceive investors from the states of Washington, Oregon, Utah, Connecticut and New Jersey. Many of them were involved in rugby. Investigators have identified 38 victims, but the number of victims could be much higher, the prosecutor's office said. The athlete faces a prison term of up to 20 years for fraud using electronic means of communication.


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