The Telegram has unveiled a new revenue sharing system that allows channels’ owners to get 50% of revenue from ads
As of now, public channel owners with at least 1,000 subscribers are eligible for a 50% revenue share from ads displayed within their channels
As of now, public channel owners with at least 1,000 subscribers are eligible for a 50% revenue share from ads displayed within their channels. The blog post explains that these funds can be withdrawn without any fees or invested back into various Telegram features such as ads, collectible usernames, or Premium giveaways.
Telegram states that this initiative was made possible due to "a new type of ads," which users can purchase using TON. However, it remains unclear if the revenue sharing applies only to TON-purchased ads or extends to advertisements bought using fiat currency as well. According to the blog post, TON-purchased ads are not displayed in random channels, so their buyers must choose the exact channels where they want it to appear.
Telegram ads do not rely on user data; they are solely based on the channel in which they appear, and they directly benefit channel owners.