The Polyhedra Network reported the theft of funds

Unknown persons gained access to the Polyhedra Network crypto wallet. They withdrew $1.4 million in cryptocurrency and exchanged it for BNB tokens.

The Polyhedra Network reported the theft of funds

Experts from BlockSec, a blockchain security company, have reported a leak of the private key of the Polyhedra Network project. The incident resulted in a loss of $700,000.

Cyvers experts have confirmed the fact of hacking. According to them, the attacker gained access to the wallet and withdrew $1.4 million in Thena (THE) tokens of the decentralized exchange of the same name.

"The attacker exchanged all assets for BNB. He used the help of the Tornado Cash cryptomixer," Cyvers reported.

Cyvers specialists have contacted representatives of the Polyhedra Network for comment. The latter reported that the incident occurred as a result of "deliberate theft", and not a vulnerability in the smart contract. At the same time, all user assets are safe, and all necessary measures will be taken against those involved.


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