The community criticized the Greenpeace report on the dangers of mining

The Mining for Power report by the American division of Greenpeace on the dangers of bitcoin mining and miners' ties to the government has faced sharp criticism from industry experts.

The community criticized the Greenpeace report on the dangers of mining

The Mining for Power report by the American division of Greenpeace on the dangers of bitcoin mining and miners' ties to the government has faced sharp criticism from industry experts.

According to the study, the mining industry of the first cryptocurrency works closely with companies engaged in the extraction of fossil fuels and polluting the environment. Such organizations "deny global warming and oppose taking action to solve the climate crisis."

"Mining companies and conglomerates are associated with politicians and shadow money groups promoting pro—corporate political programs that harm BIPOC workers and communities while limiting democracy," Greenpeace says.

The document repeats the thesis that the use of the Proof-of-Work consensus algorithm in mining leads to greenhouse gas emissions equivalent to the amount of pollution from industrialized countries.

Most of the energy for bitcoin mining is recycled from fossil fuels, and the carbon footprint of the blockchain is only growing over time, the researchers claim. At the same time, the demand for mining "loads the power grid and increases taxpayers' costs."

Among the organizations promoting mining and harming the climate, Greenpeace singled out the American Legislative Council, as well as other projects funded by the Koch brothers and the administration of former President Donald Trump.

"Take, for example, Exxon Mobil, which has pilot projects to extract bitcoin using methane from dirty fracking deposits in North Dakota. [...] The Satoshi Action Fund stands out among crypto associations and groups of bitcoin supporters as the most aggressive in terms of protecting the mining industry," the environmental activists said.


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