The central bank will be given the right to block suspicious transactions with the digital ruble

The Russian State Duma has begun considering a bill according to which transactions with the digital ruble will be subject to the law "On Countering the legalization (Laundering) of Proceeds from crime and the financing of terrorism."

The central bank will be given the right to block suspicious transactions with the digital ruble

The bill was introduced by a group of deputies headed by Anatoly Aksakov, chairman of the Duma Committee on the financial market. According to the document, the Central Bank will be required to assess the risk of questionable transactions by customers of the digital ruble and assign each of the users, with the exception of banks, to one of the three risk groups.

The Central Bank will have the right to refuse to conduct transactions with the digital ruble to the client if there is a suspicion of an attempt to launder funds or finance extremist terrorist organizations. The Bank of Russia will be obliged to inform Rosfinmonitoring about transactions with digital rubles that are subject to mandatory control. The list of operations will be determined by an agreement between the Central Bank and Rosfinmonitoring.

The draft law establishes the procedure for appealing against denial of access to the digital ruble platform or conducting an operation. If the user of the platform receives a refusal through the bank, he can provide the regulator with documents that confirm that there are no grounds for refusal. The Central Bank will be obliged to review the information provided no later than seven working days in advance. And then inform the bank about the elimination of the grounds for refusal or the impossibility of elimination.

If the user receives a repeated refusal, he will be able to apply to the interdepartmental commission. If the commission decides that there are no grounds for refusal, the Bank of Russia is obliged to comply with it.


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