The Central Bank told when it will be possible to pay in digital rubles in stores

The Bank of Russia wants to oblige trading enterprises to switch to SBP and digital rubles. Interfax writes about this, citing a source familiar with the situation.

The Central Bank told when it will be possible to pay in digital rubles in stores

According to the source, the Central Bank of the Russian Federation has already prepared and submitted amendments to the relevant law. In 2014, this law obliged large sellers to accept Mir cards.

The initiative will be introduced in stages and will first affect companies with annual revenues of more than 30 million rubles. They will be required to implement a fast payment system by October 1, 2024 and add the ability to pay in digital rubles by October 1, 2026.

Trade and service enterprises (TSPS), whose revenue for the last calendar year exceeds 20 million rubles, are given more time to implement new functionality: they need to start working with St. Petersburg before October 2025, and with the digital ruble — until the autumn of 2027.

At the same time, the initiative will not affect sellers whose annual revenue is less than 5 million rubles.


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