Media: the Portuguese regulator will limit the work of Worldcoin for 90 days

CNPD of Portugal announced the restriction of Worldcoin's work for 90 days. The regulator said that such a decision was made to protect the rights of citizens.

Media: the Portuguese regulator will limit the work of Worldcoin for 90 days

The Portuguese National Data Protection Commission (CNPD) has decided to temporarily restrict the operation of Worldcoin for a period of 90 days. This is reported by Reuters with reference to the regulator's report.

According to the statement, the commission intends to prohibit the collection of biometric data by the Worldcoin project through Orb devices. According to CNPD, this decision was made to "protect the rights of citizens, including minors." The report says that the measures taken will take effect immediately and until the completion of the investigation, which began on March 8, 2024.

The regulator said it had received dozens of complaints over the past month about unauthorized data collection using Orb. Portuguese residents accused the project of "a lack of information provided, the inability to erase data or revoke consent." The report says that more than 300,000 Portuguese have provided their biometric data to Worldcoin.

Worldcoin Foundation data protection specialist Yannick Preivish stated that the organization fully complies with all laws and regulations governing the collection and transfer of biometric data:

"Worldcoin respects the role and responsibilities of data protection authorities in Portugal. In the CNPD report, for the first time, we received information on many issues, including a message about the registration of minors."


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