Fantom Co-Founder Proposal Framework Promises Safer Crypto Future for Meme Coins: FTM Up Almost 10%

Cronje's proposal highlights the goals, risks, and technical details of creating the token launch framework. He emphasized the risks associated with this type of proposal, including team token sales, early investor sales, liquidity removal, and tokens with access controls

Fantom Co-Founder Proposal Framework Promises Safer Crypto Future for Meme Coins: FTM Up Almost 10%

Andre Cronje, co-founder of Fantom (FTM), has revealed a proposal framework aimed at providing a safer environment for launching community and meme coins.

"Anyone wishing to launch a community / meme coin for their idea can contact me directly on Telegram or Twitter. Provide the idea, graphics, name, ticker, and concept. (disclaimer: I will not be assisting any meme that I consider to be offensive, or makes reference to any real person or project)," he wrote.

Cronje's proposal highlights the goals, risks, and technical details of creating the token launch framework. He emphasized the risks associated with this type of proposal, including team token sales, early investor sales, liquidity removal, and tokens with access controls.

The framework design seeks to mitigate these risks and highlights three key tokenomic requirements: up to 10% of tokens allocated towards marketing; up to 5% of tokens allocated to team expenses; and remaining tokens placed "in a FTM/token LP in foundation multisig."

The token creator is given 100,000 FTM and can use any Fantom-based automated market maker (AMM) to establish the liquidity pool (LP). If the FTM in the LP reaches "at least 2,000,000 FTM," the initial 100,000 FTM will be removed to cover initial costs and the rest of the LP burned.

Cronje further explained that tokens launched under this framework will lack both minting and ownership capabilities, and that transactions "greater than 1% of the nominated LP pool in a single transaction" will not be permitted, preventing launch 'sniping' and large selloffs by early members.

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