Commissions in L2 networks have dropped sharply amid the Dencun update

On March 13, the Dencun update was deployed on the main Ethereum network. By the end of the day, transaction costs in the second-tier chains had sharply decreased.

Commissions in L2 networks have dropped sharply amid the Dencun update

On March 13, 2024, the Dencun update was deployed on the Ethereum mainnet. Against this background, commissions in the second-tier chains have dropped sharply, according to Dune.

Prior to the rollout of the update, in the morning of March 13, 2024, the average commissions in the most popular L2 solutions were as follows:

  • Optimism — $2,4;
  • Base — $1,2;
  • Arbitrum — $0,8;
  • ZkSync — $0,5;
  • Zora — $0,7.

After the successful upgrade, commissions dropped sharply. In particular:

  • Optimism — $0,08;
  • Base — $0,2;
  • Arbitrum — $0,5;
  • ZkSync — $0,1;
  • Zora — $0,06.

In addition, the total amounts of network fees have decreased proportionally. For example, in the case of Optimism, the indicator decreased from $98,167 to $15,933 by the end of the day on March 13.

The reduction of fees was also noted in the Starknet project community. The provider of wallets on the network, Argent, said that the commission decreased from $6.82 to $0.04 after the update.


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