Breaking: Solana Releases v1.17.31 Mainnet Update to Fix Congestion
Photo by GuerrillaBuzz / Unsplash

Breaking: Solana Releases v1.17.31 Mainnet Update to Fix Congestion

Solana co-founder Anatoly Yakovenko said “The gestation period for a major release is around 30 patch releases,” commenting on the latest release

In an April 15 post on X, Solana Status revealed the v1.17.31 release for the Solana network mainnet update. Mainnet Beta validators are required to update with the release to prevent further congestion issues on the Solana network.

The release is stable and suitable for use on Mainnet Beta. This release contains “enhancements which will help alleviate the ongoing congestion on the Solana Network.”

Solana co-founder Anatoly Yakovenko said “The gestation period for a major release is around 30 patch releases,” commenting on the latest release.

The major changes in the update are:

Show staked vs nonstaked packets sent down/throttled
quic: use smallvec to aggregate chunks, save 1 alloc per packet
BankingStage Forwarding Filter
tighten the minimal streams per 100ms for staked node
Treat super low staked as unstaked in streamer QOS
default staked client in LocalCluster

Solana-focused devshop Anza, also deployed v1.18.11 release to devnet. The update will fix the recurrent congestion issues on Solana chain. Anza said primary concern regarding network congestion has been identified to stem from a QUIC implementation and the behavior of the Agave validator client.

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