AI Bot Freysa Outsmart For $47K Could Be Fake or Marketing Article

AI Bot Freysa Outsmart For $47K Could Be Fake or Marketing Article

If we check the developer's contract we would figure out that it is multi-signature safe with 6 safe's owners with a threshold of three. Which is means even if we believe the person won 13.19 ETH three people must sign that transaction before in order to execute it.

The news about Freysa Bot Outsmart could be paid marketing articles or so called a win is done by the developers team.

Let's take a deep look:

If we check Freysa github repo or its contract we wouldn't find so called approveTransfer or rejectTransfer functions inside contracts, but only find those functions as completions to claude and openai.

And also the "open-source" project is not complete and missing @actions folder

More above if we check the developer's contract we would figure out that it is multi-signature safe with 6 safe's owners with a threshold of three.

Which is means even if we believe the person won 13.19 ETH three people must sign that transaction before in order to execute it.

And that is the exact transaction, as you see it uses Gelato's 1Balance and its multisig there for it is hard to validate the news that someone won $47K from the Freysa's AI Bot are truth, but not just some marketing article and action used by someone to populate ai crypto agents.

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